
Showing posts from December, 2018


"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11 NKJV).              Have you heard the saying that Christmas comes but once a year? That's because the world has set aside a particular date, December 25 of every year to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. It doesn't matter on which day of the week it falls, leap year or not, Christmas day is Christmas day.  To many Christians, particularly in the western world, it is the greatest day of the year. Even non-christians look forward to the day as a special holiday marked with joy and festivities; there are many who, like Christians, spend their money buying and shooting fire-crackers during the season! My wife and I asked two of our casual workers what a particular December public holiday was. They both said 'Keresimesi' (Christmas in vernacular). But it was not Christmas; it turned out to be Mohammed's birthday which fell on a day clo


The book of psalms is a collection of Hebrew poetry and songs compiled for use in individual, devotional and congregational communion. It reflects the religious, relational and worship life of the Hebrew race for about 1000 years of their history. It is composed of 150 chapters, comprising King David's poems, songs and prayers (50%), those by Asaph (8%), Korah's sons (8%), Moses, Solomon and Ethan (1 song each), other named psalmists (26%) and other unnamed writers (6%). Bible scholar Dr. Charles Greene explains the popular religious use of psalms: "In the course of dealing with the adversities of life, people are often frustrated by not being able to express adequately their emotional pain or mental anguish. The psalms release us from that frustration. With emotionally drenched complaints, humble confessions, desperate pleas, penitent prayers or screams of pain, the writers of the psalms skillfully expose and express the yearning of our deepest thoughts...By song and spi