
Showing posts from January, 2023


  Image (Painting) ©: Demi Ojosipe-Isaac        This was the title of my charge to the mixture of elites and bourgeoisie who were seated at the 70th birthday celebration of a colleague recently as chairman at the occasion. Although I was not able to say most of what I now present here at the occasion because of time constraint, I managed to present as testimony my own experience as a retired professional.         When I became 60 years old, I started planning to retire from my active medical laboratory practice at age 65 into the service of the Almighy God. I chose the most competent among my laboratory scientists and told him my plan to give him a share in the business. So I started grooming him with the aim of making him a director five years later. He complied very well but just near the end of the five years, he resigned and left for another job perhaps for greater opportunities. The young man died a while later, so there was no possible reconciliation. I became too angry to trust


Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV) As each year rolls by, i reiterate on my achievements in the year ending. Invariably, I find I have entered another year with many requests from God still outstanding. What can the matter be?  Hasn't God promised to grant us the desires of our heart? One writer quipped, As the calendar turns to January, we’re filled with hope that this year is going to be different, that things are going to be better. But, God doesn’t make us better—He makes us new!  I couldn't agree with her less!  More than anything, the fault is ours! There is a condition to fulfill first. Something has to change in our lives for our total fulfilment to come. The key to prosperity and well being is obedience to God and His word. The bible says in Isaiah 1:19, If you are wi