
Showing posts from March, 2023


Olusegun Isaac Blog. Acrylic painting on canvas By 'Demi Ojosipe-Isaac "If a country divides itself into groups which fight each other, that country will fall apart.  If a family divides itself into groups which fight each other, that family will fall apart." (Mark 3:24-25 GNB).               Here's the story of a newly married sister. Directly after her wedding, a former suitor started phoning to tell her he hadn't given up his interest in her. He told her he didn't mind that she was now married and that he would still fulfill all his promises to her if only she would continue to see him. She pleaded with him to leave her alone, that she was very happy with her husband, but he wouldn't give up, rather he continued pestering her with phone calls. Frustrated, she shared her predicament with her husband and the latter planned with his wife to confront the insistent suitor. She took him to the suitor's office and they both disgraced him openly, making hi