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Mighty Names of Jesus [6]

  ALPHA AND OMEGA   “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:13).                In the animal kingdom, the first in any group of the same animal species is named the alpha, and is usually the dominant male. He is the head of the herd, the respected and acclaimed leader whom all the others fear and to whose authority they submit. Like a king, the alpha male rules, defends and judges the others in the group, quick to free the innocent from the oppression of the wicked, and punish the guilty one. He stands in the forefront and defends their territory in the event of  any external attack. He is the image of Jesus Christ in the kingdom of higher animals.         The first letter in the Greek and Hebrew alphabets are _alpha & aleph_ respectively. These words indicate the beginning or the first among a given system or group. When Jesus appeared to  Apostle John on the Island of Patmos and introduced Himself as The Alpha and The Om