
Showing posts from August, 2018

READING. Part 4.

Here is a directive from the book of Jeremiah in the bible, 'The LORD , the God of Israel, said to me: “Write down in a book everything that I have told you..." ' (Jer. 30:1-2 GNB). God often sends messages into our hearts for dissemination to other people singly or collectively. As a matter of fact, this is how His manual for us, the bible was compiled to become the Holy Book. In the same way, God  sends messages to men for the use of other men. In 2011, our church embarked on a mission work at a village outside the city. We started with  regular Sunday fellowship meetings with the people of the village and the surrounding hamlets. As the pastor of the church, I had close interactions with the people and that left with me a pleasant experience of rural village life that I carry till today. At the fellowship meetings in the village, I spotted a particular girl who was raw but gifted in singing. I took interest in her, hoping that I would help her to develop her latent t


Let's read about Joshua in the bible. God said to him, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful." (Joshua 1:8 AMP). God did not just say read and prosper, He said read continually, always ponder on what you read, then carefully do what it says; that is His panacea for our prosperity and success. That book of the law is the Bible. It is the manual on the Christian way to a successful life. In it, God our Maker Himself is giving us the formular for success which is reading constantly, particularly His word. Joshua did. He achieved a successful mission, for the bible quotes him, "See, I have parceled out to your tribes these remaining nations, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the nations I defeate


A glorious Wednesday morning to you my dear readers. Thanks for your encouraging comments on my first post. Let's proceed on the beneficial topic of Reading. There is a man I admire very much. He is Dr Benjamin Solomon Carson, former world-class neurosurgeon, philantropist, author, American black politician serving as the 17th and current United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the current Donald Trump administration. As a matter of fact, he is one aspirant I prayed for at the last American presidency elections. After reading his book 'Gifted Hands', I took interest in him and followed his great success story, maybe because his humble beginning was similar to mine in some ways. Dr. Ben Carson had a modest childhood; he grew up in the back streets of Detroit, Michigan in the U.S.A. He credits his mother's influence largely for his success. By struggling to pay for his education, praying with him and helping him to study hard, the mother transform


Good day all and welcome to my blog. Perhaps the best way to start is to talk about Reading, and here is my own story. My earliest memory about myself is that my family lived in the slums of Lagos Island, precisely on Obun Eko street, not far from the palace of the Oba of Lagos. My father worked for one of the establihments in the nearby Lagos Island wharf called Ehingbeti. Some of you are not old enough to know all these. Later my father relocated to Ibadan then sent for us when I was 6 or 7 years old. He was determined to bring us up different from what we were in the slums of so he put us in one of the best schools in Ibadan. Not only that, he enrolled us at the children's section of the British Council Library located only a walking distance from our home. I went there very often and read from the large stock of educative and adventurous books voraciously. It was also a lending library so I took books home and since I always returned the books to time, I was allowed to tak