
Showing posts from May, 2019


'So that day they were very happy as they ate and drank in the presence of the LORD . For a second time they proclaimed Solomon king. In the name of the LORD they anointed him as their ruler...' (1 Chronicles 29:22 GNB). Congratulations Nigerians on the big step we have taken upon our successful  change in government as it were. It may be proper, poetically speaking, to say, ' the king is dead, long live the king!' for it is the end of one term and the beginning of another in the same office by the same president even though administratively speaking, there has been a change.       Twice King Solomon was crowned as king over Israel, first by his father King David (1 Kings 1:34,39) and later by the people (1 Chr.29:22). His rule became the most respected, most prosperous and most peaceful Israel ever had. Twice now President Muhammadu Buhari has been sworn in as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It now behoves on him to prove his mettle, for history will coun


By Olusegun Isaac         I read a post on social media in which the writer reported that 10 million saints are being rallied to pray for the White House in U.S.A. for God to intervene in the nation's current political woes. The writer went on to ask believers in Nigeria to raise a similar number among themselves and pray a simple one-minute prayer consistently everyday for Nigeria. This plea is welcome indeed but to my mind, SINGING A PRAYER might be easier than finding time to pray consistently without failing. While prayer may be a singular act, singing can be a continuum. So I am proposing that, aside from taking time to pray for the nation, all believers should sing along the old prophetic song given below in the course of our daily activities, singing it everyday until our transformation comes. Concerning this, it is written in Scripture, 'Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishm


      As young lads, one of the things we dreaded most was to be sent to a Reform institution. Our parents told us of the fate of bad boys who ended up in such places as caution to us to be well-behaved. In fact there was the case of the boy in our primary school who put a pen-knife to the neck of another boy but only made a gash there and did not outrightly slaughter him. The victim got well in hospital but the butcher was tried in a juvenile court and remanded in a reform camp at Torpo In the present Lagos State. Reform schools are established by a state or city government, for the confinement, instruction, and reformation of juvenile offenders, and of young persons of idle, vicious, and vagrant habits. I am not sure such places still exist for correction of our juvenile delinquents of the present age. The Lord sent a prophet to King Asa of Judah when he became king saying, "For a long time Israel had  been without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law; but w


     Just as our praise to the Almighty God ought to be exuberant, so also our worship of Him ought be lavish. We cannot limit our worship of His majesty. The more our worship of Him we render, the more He reveals His glory and releases His grace to us. In my considered view, too many of our worship assemblies are dry, indigent in soul and bereft of spirit.       I attended a training programme organized by a worship ministry based in Lagos many years back. The ministry had invited a worship assembly from the U.S.A. to perform for participants as part of the package. That gathering of worshipers here in Ibadan left an indelible experience with me that I still cherish till today. At the grand finale in the evening, the invited worship team from abroad came up. I can't explain it,  but as the lead singer sang with such passion and eloquence, the lyrics stuck with us and we all joined him singing. As we sang as one, power came downand one by one nearly all of us experienced the anoin


      A well-well-known fairy tale goes like this: Once all the rats on a farm came together and resolved to end the menace of the cat that was killing and eating them in their large numbers. Their final decision was to tie a bell round the neck of the cat so that whenever It was approaching, the jingling of the bell would prompt the rats to hide in safety. They all jumped for joy believing that the answer to the terror of the cat had been found at long last. Then the chief rat announced the next agenda, 'Who will bell the cat for us?' No one would dare! Moral: It is easy to sit and plan great ideas, but it's not easy, perhaps even impossible, to execute a grandiose plan. It is high time we belled the cat of corruption that is inherent in this land, then we would face those other cats like terrorism and bigotry that jumped the fence into the Nigerian farm. Talking and planning alone has failed to stop the menace.      The case of far away Singapore comes to mind here. The