A well-well-known fairy tale goes like this: Once all the rats on a farm came together and resolved to end the menace of the cat that was killing and eating them in their large numbers. Their final decision was to tie a bell round the neck of the cat so that whenever It was approaching, the jingling of the bell would prompt the rats to hide in safety. They all jumped for joy believing that the answer to the terror of the cat had been found at long last. Then the chief rat announced the next agenda, 'Who will bell the cat for us?' No one would dare! Moral: It is easy to sit and plan great ideas, but it's not easy, perhaps even impossible, to execute a grandiose plan. It is high time we belled the cat of corruption that is inherent in this land, then we would face those other cats like terrorism and bigotry that jumped the fence into the Nigerian farm. Talking and planning alone has failed to stop the menace.
     The case of far away Singapore comes to mind here. The Asian nation that was plagued by high level corruption perhaps nearly equalled by that presently found in Nigeria has now evolved to become another world power and one of the most attractive to tourists from all over the world, ironically including Nigerians. Thanks to the man Lee Kuan Yew who led Singapore to eliminate the monster cats of corruption and other evils. A lawyer by profession and a graduate of the London School of Economics, he was the revolutionary Prime Minister from 1959 to 1990. "Lee’s principal aims were to ensure the physical survival of the new state and to retain Singapore’s national identity. More importantly, Lee recognized that Singapore needed a strong economy in order to survive as an independent country, and he launched a program to industrialize Singapore and transform it into a major exporter of finished goods. He encouraged foreign investment and secured agreements between labour unions and business management that ensured both labour peace and a rising standard of living for workers. While improving health and social welfare services, Lee continually emphasized the necessity of cooperation, discipline, and austerity on the part of the average Singaporean. Lee's rule was criticised for controlling the media, imposing limits on public protests, and bringing libel suits against political opponents. He argued that such disciplinary measures were necessary for political stability which, together with the rule of law, were essential for economic progress" [Excerpts]. Such is the profile of the man who would succeed in belling the Nigerian cat of maladies threatening to consume us.
Paul Kagame is another leader who is currently belling the cat of near disintegration and corruption in the tiny central African republic, Rwanda. Now the president, Kagame was the former military commander who ended the genocide in the land in 1990. With a resolute determination to right every wrong that led to the massive genocide in which about one million Rwandans lost their lives, Kagame has succeeded in transforming the hitherto depressed nation into fast becoming a model for other nations in Africa and beyond to follow, her miniature size notwithstanding. A common maxim says 'It is the size of the fight in the dog that wins, not the size of the dog.'
     The church in our nation is not spared from the terror cat of corruption. Aside from cases within the local church, there are whispered allegations that our leaders in the umbrella Christian bodies are not exempted from those covetting and sharing the national cake even though these allegations have been denied. There are also unsupported claims that prayers have gone for sale in some political quarters and that gifts are given for winning over followers for numerical support in our elections. Moreover, chosing leaders into religious offices are said to be influenced by political manuevering. There is the  urgent need to bell this cat of alleged corruption in the body that is charged with making men become like Christ. But who will bell the cat for us!
     The Philistine Goliath was the giant, irrepressible terror cat of Israel. This war-lord dared all Israel to bring out a rat bold enough to face him in a duel. Then David stepped out from among the youth daring not only to bell the giant cat but to kill it. Backed by the power of Jehovah God, he killed the giant and cut off his head. Who can perform like David for us? Corruption must be killed and beheaded. Thanks to the efforts and results of the present administration in curbing the terror in high places. However, catching the mother cats but sparing the kittens cannot eradicate the terror. The little ones will certainly grow up to become mother cats. David did not only kill Goliath, he also cut off his head. A half-dead snake is more dangerous. This is where the fervent, relentless prayers of the saints at home and abroad come in. Some afflictions will not go except by prayer and fasting. Brethren, pray for us.


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