
Showing posts from 2018


"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11 NKJV).              Have you heard the saying that Christmas comes but once a year? That's because the world has set aside a particular date, December 25 of every year to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world. It doesn't matter on which day of the week it falls, leap year or not, Christmas day is Christmas day.  To many Christians, particularly in the western world, it is the greatest day of the year. Even non-christians look forward to the day as a special holiday marked with joy and festivities; there are many who, like Christians, spend their money buying and shooting fire-crackers during the season! My wife and I asked two of our casual workers what a particular December public holiday was. They both said 'Keresimesi' (Christmas in vernacular). But it was not Christmas; it turned out to be Mohammed's birthday which fell on a day clo


The book of psalms is a collection of Hebrew poetry and songs compiled for use in individual, devotional and congregational communion. It reflects the religious, relational and worship life of the Hebrew race for about 1000 years of their history. It is composed of 150 chapters, comprising King David's poems, songs and prayers (50%), those by Asaph (8%), Korah's sons (8%), Moses, Solomon and Ethan (1 song each), other named psalmists (26%) and other unnamed writers (6%). Bible scholar Dr. Charles Greene explains the popular religious use of psalms: "In the course of dealing with the adversities of life, people are often frustrated by not being able to express adequately their emotional pain or mental anguish. The psalms release us from that frustration. With emotionally drenched complaints, humble confessions, desperate pleas, penitent prayers or screams of pain, the writers of the psalms skillfully expose and express the yearning of our deepest thoughts...By song and spi


' Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord  gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:20-21 NKJV).        There is the story of an American multi-millioneer who left the details of his burial before he died. At his burial, two peasant farmers watched from a distance as an elaborate musical funeral parade in white brought the remains of the rich man to the cemetry. He was dressed in white three-piece suit with white shirt, tie, socks, shoes, hat and gloves all white, and a large white-coloured cigar stuck in his mouth. He was seated in a white vintage limousine driven by his chauffeur, also dressed in white. They came to his specially designed electrified white marble vault, housed in a white-painted mausoleum. The chauffeur drove the limosine right to the top of the white marble vault, stepped out and low


' "Ye shall not need to fight in this battle..fear not...for the Lord will be with you". And Jehoshaphat bowed his head...worshipping the Lord. And the Levites...stood up to praise the Lord God of Israel with a loud voice on high' (2 Chr. 20:17-19 KJV).           King Jehoshaphat of Judah I rank high among the list of great worshipers of Jehovah God in the Bible. Not only was he David's great, great, great grandson, he too had a heart like his fore-father David in the fear and worship of God, reinstating sincere worship. He had a similar propensity for success; he caused reforms in the land, stopped the worship of foreign gods, appointed God-fearing persons into key positions in his administration, renewed economic ties with the richer nations far and near, began profitable trade both on land and sea. More remarkably, he re-instated the worship of Jehovah God throughout his realm making formal temple services the order of the day (2 Chr. 17). King Jehoshaphat


"...I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim...And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” '(Isaiah 6:1-3 NKJV).          The name Isaiah itself is shortened from 'Yeshaiah' meaning 'Yahweh is Salvation'. One writer says that the book of Isaiah is like a miniature Bible. Like the 39 books of the Old Testament it contains 39 chapters, speaking on sin and judgment; the remaining 27 chapters like the 27 books of the New testament declaring a message of hope and redemption by the coming of the Messiah.  Prophet Isaiah alone in his book gives us some 20 out of over 175 names of Jesus Christ that we now adore. These are: i)Lord, ii)Branch of the Lord, iii)Immanuel, iv)Wonderful, v)Counsellor, vi)Mighty God, vii)Everlasting Father, viii)Prince of Peace, ix)Rod of Jesse, x)Cornerstone, xi)King, xii)Servant of Yah

MIRIAM - From Grass to Grace

MIRIAM is a transformation account. It is the story of the refinement of a plain village girl from raw to high quality, from crude to top grade purity. Her latent potential in the worship of God was discovered early by a dedicated and gifted missionary who proceeded to mould the ordinary lump of clay into a refined piece of vessel most fit for the use of the Master, an icon to her generation. The name, "Miriam," is enough to elicit interest in both Christians and Muslims, even in Jews. The book, MIRIAM , should therefore attract the attention of wider audience because of the personality of Miriam, her place and her role in the three faiths. The book passes across its message to the readers aptly with the aid of undiluted humor, suspense and spirituality. This is done with the aim of capturing the imagination of its readers. The book has a plot that was fully developed and makes you believe that it is one true story. At the end, you would have read a model fo


'...You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a littlechild...therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people...” Then God said to him: “...see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart...And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor..."(I Kings 3:7-13 NKJV).     There is a story I love. Three wise old men named Wisdom, Wealth and Well-being came and sat near the frontdoor of a house. They were invited in but they declined, saying only one of them could be invited in. The family deliberated on the matter as who to invite in and finally resolved to invite Wisdom in. To their amazement, Wealth and Well-being also got up and followed Wisdom into the home! He who has wisdom has everything! Solomon succeeded his father David as king over Israel. After establishing his reign as king he went and offered a whopping one thousand bulls as burnt sacrifice to God, an unprecedented act in Jehovah


'So he [David] left Asaph and his brothers there before the ark of the covenant of the Lord to minister before the ark give thanks to the Lord sound aloud with trumpets and cymbals and the musical instruments of God' (I Chr. 16:37,41-42 NKJV).              While we would be right to say that Miriam led the first praise and worship of God directly after the Red Sea crossing, we would equally not be wrong to say that King David instituted formal temple worship according to the scripture above. David   chose, separated and organized musicians for God's worship in the temple (1Chr.25:1-6). Out of the 150 songs, poems and prayers in the Book of Psalms, 75 were written by King David. Moses, Solomon and Ethan wrote one each; and the remaining 72 were written by other known and unknown writers. These others were mostly Levites, notable among whom were Asaph, Jeduthum, Korah, Heman and their sons. Levites were workers in the house of God in Israel (Num.8:


'...He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will’ (Acts 13:22 NKJV).             Here in part is the dossier of King David, whom God described as 'man after His own heart'. It is given here for our emulation. 1)He had learnt skills for God's worship early in life; he wrote Psalm 23 at a very tender age. 2)At 17, he was picked up from the pits as a shepherd lad and anointed in place of a despotic king in Israel. 3)He dared to fight Goliath to honour God when but a teenager and acquired the knack for battle.  4)He endured over 10 years of persecution by King Saul before he was finally crowned king at 30, thereafter reigning for over 40 years. 5)He knew the power in the praise and worship of God and in prayer. 6)He honoured God in his ways and reverenced the symbol of His glory - the Ark of Testimony. 7)He asked God first before making his decisions. 8)


“I will sing to the Lord , for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea! (Exodus 15:1 NKJV). Rumours had it that Michael Jackson, one of the celebrated popsingers of all time, got a place on Mount Everest reserved for his burial with the motive that when he died, he would be preserved in the icy peaks of the world's highest mountain and his body would be fresh and ready for him to inhabit again when he reincarnated. But alas, his last song was released after his death, and he was not buried on Mount Everest; American authorities insisted that the body of a legend like him had to be buried in his homeland! Talk about vanity upon vanity... Moses' song of praise to God, partly quoted above, was after he beheld God's awesome power!  He beheld God's great power that parted the Red Sea, made him lead the chidren of Israel safely across on dry land and the returning tide that swept away Pharaoh and his host hotly pursuing them. On the o


'Then he dreamed...a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And...the Lord stood above it...' (Gen.28:12,13 NKJV).    When God revealed to Jacob in a dream the spiritual platform that conveys our requests to God from earth to heaven and back to earth with His response, He was starting a new thing. The Bible is showing us that our offerings of thanksgiving, praise, worship, supplications, petitions, intercessions and other manner of sacrifice are definitely taken up to God and that He responds to them. We are told there is an innumerable company of angels in heaven to do that (Heb.12:22). So it would seem that we all have ministering angels assigned to us who take up our sacrifices to God and bring us back the deserved answers by this revealed platform (John1:51). What does the ladder represent? A number of interpretations have been given to Jacob's dream of the ladder. One says, &


“Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering" (Genesis 22:7-8 NKJV) Here is a story of The Great Exchange: A great king sent his son, the heir to his throne on a royal visit to one of his colonies. The son got there visited the prison where he saw a notorious prisoner in chains awaiting execution. He listened to the prisoner's story, was moved with compassion and resolved to free him. Upon getting back to his father's kingdom, the son left a note there and went back to the prisoner in the colony. He exchanged his royal robes with the prisoner's clothes which allowed the criminal to walk out a free man. The son also handed the prisoner a note to his father the great king. The very next day the executioners came, took away the son now in the prisoner's clothes and executed him by hanging. The prisoner, now in royal robes, got back to the kingdom, p


John 4: 24 says, 'God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.' In 2016 I decided to examine deeper this verse of scripture by looking at bible characters who were giants in the worship of Jehovah God. I felt this could help us to learn more about the worship of His majesty. I wrote my thoughts in my book published the same year titled SUNDAY DEVOTIONAL WORSHIP (still available on, in which I x-rayed the lives of fourteen bible personalities under. Here is another of the 14 excerpts from the book.    2. NOAH 'Then Noah built an altar ...and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma.Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake...nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done" (Gen. 8:20-21 NKJV).     If the old English adage that says 'curiosity killed the cat' was true, then I probably would have been killed by curiosit


It is written for our admonition in John 4:24, 'God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.' In 2016 I decided to examine deeper this verse of scripture by looking at bible characters who were giants in the worship of Jehovah God to see how we could learn more about worship of His majesty. I wrote my thoughts in my book published the same year titled Sunday Devotional Worship (still available on, in which I x-rayed the lives of fourteen bible personalities. Starting from today, here are the 14 excerpts from the book. 1. ABEL '...Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord . Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering' (Gen.4:3-5 NKJV).          Have you observed a little boy with something in his hand that you ask for, whether or not you are the one who gave it to him? He either gives it


You may already have knowledge about Quiet Time, but this is an instructive piece by a young pastor of mine from his book. Here are extracts from the book. Keeping a successful quiet time Quiet time is a time consciously developed to be with God. It is a time you deliberately develop to tune out all distractions so as to abide in the presence of God. While praying, you talk to God and in reading through the scriptures, you hear Him. Quiet time helps you to develop the most important relationship in life. It is not a time to rush in or rush out of the presence of God. It helps you to develop the habit of spending regular time with God. Quiet time is a time to READ the most important book in the world. Quiet time is your personal school of the Holy Spirit. During quiet time, you increase in the knowledge of scripture and you experience the presence of God. It provides an unshakable platform for spiritual growth. To experience growth in faith, we must continually fellowship with G

Reading. Part 5

READING AND HEALING Proverbs 4: 20 to 22 says, 'My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh'.     Pastor Derek Prince, the international missionary and great teacher of the word, told the story of his healing. He was bed-riden during world war 2 at a military camp where there were no adequate medical facilities, so for over a year he laid ill in bed. Being a young Christian then, he had the zeal to read the bible right through, so he began reading, underlining passages that caught his attention. When he got to the Book of Proverbs, the above passage particularly arrested his interest. He studied the passage and got a revelation that those words were actually medicine, so he decided to take in those words three times daily and start doing what they say:  He paid attention to what God was telling him the

READING. Part 4.

Here is a directive from the book of Jeremiah in the bible, 'The LORD , the God of Israel, said to me: “Write down in a book everything that I have told you..." ' (Jer. 30:1-2 GNB). God often sends messages into our hearts for dissemination to other people singly or collectively. As a matter of fact, this is how His manual for us, the bible was compiled to become the Holy Book. In the same way, God  sends messages to men for the use of other men. In 2011, our church embarked on a mission work at a village outside the city. We started with  regular Sunday fellowship meetings with the people of the village and the surrounding hamlets. As the pastor of the church, I had close interactions with the people and that left with me a pleasant experience of rural village life that I carry till today. At the fellowship meetings in the village, I spotted a particular girl who was raw but gifted in singing. I took interest in her, hoping that I would help her to develop her latent t


Let's read about Joshua in the bible. God said to him, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful." (Joshua 1:8 AMP). God did not just say read and prosper, He said read continually, always ponder on what you read, then carefully do what it says; that is His panacea for our prosperity and success. That book of the law is the Bible. It is the manual on the Christian way to a successful life. In it, God our Maker Himself is giving us the formular for success which is reading constantly, particularly His word. Joshua did. He achieved a successful mission, for the bible quotes him, "See, I have parceled out to your tribes these remaining nations, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the nations I defeate


A glorious Wednesday morning to you my dear readers. Thanks for your encouraging comments on my first post. Let's proceed on the beneficial topic of Reading. There is a man I admire very much. He is Dr Benjamin Solomon Carson, former world-class neurosurgeon, philantropist, author, American black politician serving as the 17th and current United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the current Donald Trump administration. As a matter of fact, he is one aspirant I prayed for at the last American presidency elections. After reading his book 'Gifted Hands', I took interest in him and followed his great success story, maybe because his humble beginning was similar to mine in some ways. Dr. Ben Carson had a modest childhood; he grew up in the back streets of Detroit, Michigan in the U.S.A. He credits his mother's influence largely for his success. By struggling to pay for his education, praying with him and helping him to study hard, the mother transform


Good day all and welcome to my blog. Perhaps the best way to start is to talk about Reading, and here is my own story. My earliest memory about myself is that my family lived in the slums of Lagos Island, precisely on Obun Eko street, not far from the palace of the Oba of Lagos. My father worked for one of the establihments in the nearby Lagos Island wharf called Ehingbeti. Some of you are not old enough to know all these. Later my father relocated to Ibadan then sent for us when I was 6 or 7 years old. He was determined to bring us up different from what we were in the slums of so he put us in one of the best schools in Ibadan. Not only that, he enrolled us at the children's section of the British Council Library located only a walking distance from our home. I went there very often and read from the large stock of educative and adventurous books voraciously. It was also a lending library so I took books home and since I always returned the books to time, I was allowed to tak